magical stardust ☺
"an attempt to make sense of and articulate the thoughts running through my head."
♥ bold italic strikeout underline♡
Our conversation went smth like this:
ScottCharles: Jessie are you sick?
Me: HUH. No. Why?
ScottCharles: Oh, cause you always seem to be sick.
Me: Where got! Only that period of time when I was sick for quite long!
Less than a week after that conversation took place, I'm sick. Pfft.
I hate being sick, it's so annoying. Let's hope this bout of flu isn't serious.
Visited the CCA Fair today, and I kinda not feel like joining any CCA. At least for this semester. Feel like just concentrating and getting myself acclimatized to Uni life first. Although yeah, I wanna make new friends too. Guess that'll have to wait. Going for Frisbee with A though. Just to accompany her and try things out. Although.. Slim chance la huh.
OG mates're saying that I'm a good-girl-gone-bad. Hmph, I'm still a good girl okayxz.
One thing I hate about UB? EVERYTHING IS GRADED. Even homework. Sucks like shit, cause you can't slack at all. Oh and I officially threw 10% of my Socio module into the Mediterranean Sea. Tikam-ed most of the mid-term questions and today, I learnt that there's usually the Textbook vs Common Sense debate. 'According to the textbook, the answer is A. But based on common sense, the answer is B.' Good luck to me seriously, I based majority of my answers on common sense. How was I to know the content in the textbook wasn't on the same frequency as common sense?
At least my other modules are okay. [or so I think]
Labels: UB.
White Rose.
i saw a cashier hand this little boy his money back, the boy couldn't
have been more than 5 or 6 years old. The Cashier said, 'I'm sorry, but
you don't have enough money to buy this doll.'' The little boy turned to
the old woman next to him, ''Granny, are you sure I don't have enough
money?'' She replied, ''You know that you don't have enough money to buy
this doll, my dear.'' Then she asked him to stay there for just 5
minutes while she went to look around. She left quickly.
The little boy
was still holding the doll in his hand. Finally, I walked toward him and
I asked him who he wished to give this doll to. 'It's the doll that my
sister loved most and wanted so much for Christmas. She was sure that
Santa Claus would bring it to her.' I replied to him that maybe Santa
Claus would bring it to her after all, and not to worry. But he replied
to me sadly. 'No, Santa Claus can't bring it to her where she is now. I
have to give the doll to my mommy so that she can give it to my sister
when she goes there.' His eyes were so sad while saying this, 'My Sister
has gone to be with God. Daddy says that Mommy is going to see God very
soon too, so I thought that she could take the doll with her to give it
to my sister.''
My heart nearly stopped. The little boy looked up at me
and said, 'I told daddy to tell mommy not to go yet. I need her to wait
until I come back from the mall.' Then he showed me a very nice photo
of himself. He was laughing. He then told me 'I want mommy to take my
picture with her so she won't forget me.' 'I love my mommy and I wish
she didn't have to leave me, but daddy says that she has to go to be
with my little sister.' Then he looked again at the doll with sad eyes,
very quietly.
I quickly reached for my wallet and said to the boy.
'Suppose we check again, just in case you do have enough money for the
doll!'' OK' he said, 'I hope I do have enough.' I added some of my money
to his without him seeing and we started to count it. There was enough
for the doll and even some spare money. The little boy said, 'Thank you
God for giving me enough money!' Then he looked at me and added, 'I
asked last night before I went to sleep for God to make sure I had
enough money to buy this doll, so that mommy could give it to my sister.
He heard me!'' 'I also wanted to have enough money to buy a white rose
for my mommy, but I didn't dare to ask God for too much. But He gave me
enough to buy the doll and a white rose.'' 'My mommy loves white roses.'
A few minutes later, the old lady returned and I left with my basket. I
finished my shopping in a totally different state of mind from when I
started. I couldn't get the little boy out of my mind. Then I remembered
a local newspaper article two days ago, which mentioned a drunk man in a
truck, who hit a car occupied by a young woman and a little girl. The
little girl died right away and the mother was left in a critical state.
The family had to decide whether to pull the plug on the
life-sustaining machine because the young woman would not be able to
recover from the coma. Was this the family of the little boy?
Two days
after this encounter with the little boy I read in the newspaper that
the young woman had passed away. I couldn't stop myself as I bought a
bunch of white roses and I went to the funeral home where the body of
the young woman was for people to see and make last wishes before her
burial. She was there, in her coffin, holding a beautiful white rose in
her hand with the photo of the little boy and the doll placed over her
I left the place, teary-eyed, feeling that my life had been
changed forever. The love that the little boy had for his mother and his
sister is still, to this day, hard to imagine, and in a fraction of a
second, a drunk driver had taken all this away from him.
It's amusing how bumping into certain people can keep my spirits high for the entire day :D :D :D
And I'm not going to take the 11:30am 52 bus anymore. It came slightly later than usual, the bus moved alot slower than usual today, and my ride took longer than usual today. Maybe it's just because there were more alot people on the bus today and the bus couldn't go as quickly as it used to (okay weird theory, I know). Kinda late for class as a result; you have no idea how thankful I am that she only took attendance after I stepped into class.
Socio Mid-Terms tmr, sigh.
G'night everyone.
And to the NUS people, hang in there and stop harboring thoughts of dropping out of school/changing course alrighty! Just do your best :)
Thought today would be a happy day, seeing as how I saw the Eye Candy and totally enjoyed lessons today. Until just now.
Confronted her about dinner yesterday, and she claims she bought my share, only to have eaten it cause I was asleep. And she hurriedly asked my dad to back me up. Woman, I so do not buy your story. Firstly, daddy was silent. Normally, he butts in if he sees the need to. Secondly, why do you need someone to justify your actions? You ain't a kid who has to ask for permission before eating. Lastly, please do not forget that I heard the conversation. Unless I heard wrongly. But truth be told, I highly doubt it.
Y'know what? I'm truly disgusted. Why can't you freaking admit your mistake that you didn't even buy my dinner? Rather than cook up some story to cover up the fact that you're a freaking biased mum.
Come'on, your daughter ain't 3. I'm 19 coming 20, and I've seen enough of the world to be able to discern fact from fiction. Plus this ain't a one-time off incident please.
So much for teaching me to be honest, yet you blatantly lie to your own daughter.
Please, practice what you preach.
It's really ironic that I feel more love from those outside the family than the warmth I feel within. If there's any to begin with.
I'm really disappointed with you, mummy.
Labels: freak; but thats life
In times like these, I really wonder how many children my mum thinks she has.
First, they went for F's funeral wake without telling me. Okay, maybe she thought I had assignments to rush. Which is true. But she could go to my brother's room and talk to his girlfriend and say bye, while being totally oblivious to my presence. She didn't even say bye. And our rooms are only opposite. Okay, maybe that's normal for her.
Took a nap, and I was woken up by the noise they made when they came back. They bought dinner, even my brother's girlfriend had a share. Roughly heard my dad saying something about me, to which my mum replied, 'but she's sleeping.' And my dad went, 'earlier on leh?'
Had my suspicions, thought that maybe I was thinking too much, prolly when they went to the wake people asked about me. Went back to sleep, with this tugging that I was prolly correct.
Woke up 1 hour later, walked into the kitchen to ask if there was food. "TauSarPiah only." And my heart sank, my suspicions were right. Honestly, if not for the fact that my brother's girlfriend was around, I'd have asked her how many children she has, seriously. What, I'm sleeping so I don't need food? And in the first place, I wasn't even sleeping when they left. Or maybe she didn't even bother looking into my room to see what I was doing.
On a previous occasion, she knew I wasn't going out. Bought dinner back, and just coincidentally, I headed over to Nex to buy things when they returned. Thinking that I'd gone out, she ate my share. Okay, maybe that's more reasonable.
Today? Explain yourself, woman.
I honestly have no idea. Am I non-existent in your eyes? Am I merely someone for you to shout at, someone for you to nag at all day long? Do you even know that you gave birth to a daughter 19 years ago? Or do you only rmb giving birth to a son 23 years ago?
So that leaves me without dinner. Again. What's new, really?
It's been so long, and each time something like this happens, it really hurts. Almost every time, I tell myself that things will get better. But it never does.
Maybe I should start getting used to this.
And, thanks for the love people. Yes, I will eat something before I sleep. Something besides the tauhuay I ate with WanRu just now.
It's gonna be a long long night. At least I'm almost done with my assignments. Contemplating heading out tmr morning to study for Tuesday's SOC test before school. We'll see.
Labels: freak; but thats life
The day.
In order of age, month of birth, height and skin colour.
nom-nom! :)
Still like this supper date, and the car-ride that followed afterwards. :)
Labels: ODAC is love (:
I'd gladly admit that I'm not a morning person. So please, please, please do not piss me off after I wake up. I'll get highly irritable and refuse to do what you want me to. Esp when I'm in the midst of doing something and you have to jeopardize my timeline. Maybe, if you tell me nicely I'll be okay. If you barge in and just want to do your things, sorry you'll have to endure my attitude.
Right now, I'm supposed to get ready and head out to study with the girls. But I can't. Why?
My mum's mopping the floor. I can't even pack my things.
Now you know the reason for my angst.
Labels: freak; but thats life
Days with the ODACians never fail to put a smile on my face.
Din Tai Fung-ed and Sogurt-ed at Nex!
And I survived dinner sitting beside someone who was totally nonsensical the whole time. I really wonder where he gets all his rubbish from, seriously.
On a sidenote, the influx of UOL students ain't exaggerated. It's really overwhelming. Tasted it at the bus stop in the morning, got quite shocked. Things got worse at 11:30am after their first lecture ended. Seriously, the corridors and all were literally jam-packed. Why can't SIM extend their campus or smth?
Oh, toe nail update; the old nail on my left leg's fourth toenail's really on the verge of detaching itself from the new one. Yay much :)
Okay time to sleep, I only slept for 3 hours yst, and I'm really tired now. Doesn't help that I've a gazillion things due on Monday/Tuesday. Sigh.
Really, managing a Whatsapp conversation and a MSN conversation simultaneously ain't easy.
Labels: ODAC is love (:, UB.
superduperultramegahappygirl92 today!
For a gazillion reasons, one of which cannot be said. I literally jumped when it happened, omg. Totally made my day teehee.
Math drove me nuts though, and Gwend, I don't know what I'd have done without you. Thanks for patiently explaining the questions to me!
♥ ♥ ♥
Nothing has changed. In JC, Functions & Graphs and I never co-existed harmoniously. Its the same now.
Oddly, it felt as though I was taking the A Levels tmr. When its only a quiz. Not even the mid-terms -.-" Maybe its a good thing?
Ended up not swimming >:(
Stupid Math.
Oh I saw Charmaine too! :D
Talking to Desiree just now perked my spirits too. If you're reading this, thank you ♥
Looking forward to dinner plans tmr! ^^
I keep saying I'll go swimming/running but it never gets done. On days that I plan to do the former, I'm always too drained to go. The latter.. I was supposed to go with WanRu that day. She said maybe. And I went to shower, during which she Whatsapp-ed me, FB chat-ed me, MSN-ed me, Twitter-ed me, wrote on my FB wall, texted me and wondered what on Earth happened to me cause I was 'online' but I wasn't replying her at all.
Shall get the former done tmr! Wanted to do it before studying but.. I don't wanna get any tan lines, so will prolly do it after. Provided Math doesn't kill all my energy, that is. I haven't really gone under the Sun since I started school and weirdly enough, I told me during MUS 113 last Wed that I'm darker. And question marks started forming in my head.
Is it just me, or is there really a lot to be done for next week? :/
I really hope I can get things done tmr. One reason why I should NOT stay home cause I know that my bed will steal all the attention away from my assignments.
Feeling oddly energetic now, shall attempt to finish my essay outline before hitting the sack.
Finally removed my nail polish on my toes after idk how long and guess what. My toe nail cracked. Both fourth toes. Powerpacked or powerpacked? My left toe's on the verge of recovering; there're 2 layers now. Right toe.. It's only partially cracked.
Happy day today in spite of the rain! Lunch-ed with the OGL! :D
I don't even see her around school, apart from the OG lunches she organized. Although I see her very often on Twitter/Whatsapp. Avenue to bitch/rant/talk about anything haha.
Met WanRu after school for window shopping at City Plaza, NEX-ed thereafter to stock up on snack supplies.
Back home, my new UOB credit card arrived in the mail! (Y)
Not new as in new sign-up, new cause smartgirl92 screwed up the NETS FlashPay function on her original card and as a result, she had no ez-link card. So they had to send me a new card. I know I'm a genius.
Mid-terms are coming soon, sigh. It's hard getting back the study momentum.
For the past 9 months, its been a total hiatus from educational material.
Even if I go to work, I relax every night. Now? School in the day, study at night.
Anw, it's week 4 of school, and everyday as I stand in front of my wardrobe to decide what to wear, I'm thankful that I'm dressing up for school and not work. It's a hell lot easier. Those who've worked in offices will uds the pain of having to don an office-attire for 4 days a week.
The flexibility of school's awesome, really. I can dress up on days I feel like it, and be superduperultramega casual when I feel lazy.
Okay I know this has been very random, congrats to those who managed to follow my train of thought.
Now, back to my assignments.
Labels: UB.
I don't know why things ended up like this.
I don't know why I'm always proven wrong. By myself.
Things I thought I'd hold dear to my heart eternally have turned into things I can easily let go of without second thoughts.
Dear diary, care to enlighten me?
Why has my heart hardened to such as extent?
It scares me sometimes to realize what I've become after going through all these.
For better or for worse?
I don't know.
Labels: things I cannot understand.
It's a viscous sleep deficit issue.
Let's hope I can reverse and halt this entire screw-up. It ain't doing me good.
This is one of the cons of having only one morning lesson per week.
G'night boys and girls. :)
In all honesty, it's really a waste. Was looking through Facebook and I couldn't help thinking that you'd have missed out on a lot. Okay I'm not sure if it's really true or not; but if it is, there's some sort of pity for you from me.
Ah, not judging anyway, but is it like some sort of a trend?
Really; what's the world becoming?
Labels: things I cannot understand.
Girl time today! :D
Dinner-ed at Lau Pa Sat, where Gwend and I were hungry monsters. Okay, more of me, I admit. I was so hungry that I kept telling Gwend and WanRu what I felt like eating otw there :D
Sparklers time thereafter! And I burnt my hand ):
Had fun nonetheless!
Macs-ed for ice cream to satisfy yet another of my cravings! We were sitting there and suddenly we saw Mrs Tan's check-in at Harry's @ Boat Quay. And we decided to go say hi. Random I know. She got a shock when she saw us hahahaha.
Met Adeline at the bus stop otw home too! (:
Bella, Natalie and Gwend, thanks for today! <3
We were supposed to study tgt initially haha. First, Gwend said she had cramps. Then Natalie said she was very tired after Tennis. I was about to step out of the house when the sky cried. In the end, Bella studied alone ahahaha. We felt so bad afterwards.
We should have more cheap-thrill outings like these :D
Had a freaking horrible dream last night. Now I know why I'm still so tired despite 10 hours of sleep.
Well.. Maybe its more of disturbing. Reminded me of how I totally screwed up my A Levels. Not something I want to be reminded of, much less have a dream about.
Up till now.. Let's just say I wish those screw ups never took place. Yes, I'm still disappointed with myself for not performing up to expectations but at the end of the day, I know better than to cry over split milk. Yes, I want to be in NUS but since I'm not there, I'll just make the most of what I have now. After all, grades ain't the only deciding factor in society.
Imagination, Character and Values; the elements that'll ultimately determine your success out in society.
Anyway, I miss SR terribly.
And life sucks. When W is free, L is busy. When L is free, W is busy. When they've figured out a period when both W and L are free, I'M BUSY. What's this you tell me? Had a dream that day that W told be a common window would be in February 2012. Which is freaking far away.
Week 3 of school has just ended and weirdly enough, I no longer feel like a kid in school. I guess it's just because I've been hanging out with people who're older than me for so long that I no longer feel out of place.
J2 EXCO back in early 2009, YAs in church, colleagues at StarHub & MediaCorp and the ODAC clique now.
Oh plus my brother's age.
And I'm proud to say that so far, I've achieved this good-girl image. :D
Determined to maintain that for my entire Uni life ahahaha.
Girl-time in a while! :)
Labels: UB.
Process Essay.
"Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong."
Pretty much summed up by superduperultramega unfortunate morning.
Right now, I'm drained. I think it's prolly due to my sleep deficit that has yet to be cleared.
Have I mentioned how much i hate process essays? Doesn't help that I have to double my word count. And it wasn't easy coming up with the original word count. Cause its a freaking process essay.
Goodnight, don't let the bedbugs bite.
Process essay, see you tmr.
Labels: assignments.
Visited SRJC’s website, saw the photo of 22 SR ODAC’s EXCO.
Guys, I miss you so so much. Got reminded of our rubbish
when I saw Nina’s N-A-O tweet this morning. Beautiful memories with awesome
people, really.
SIM’s having their CCA fair soon, and idk what CCA to join.
Or if I should even join any CCA to begin with.
All along, I told myself that I’ve had enough of Council, there’s
no way I’m gonna join Council. Yet for this strange reason, something at the
back of my head tells me I’m gonna end up as part of UB-SC.
Doesn’t help that most of the seniors I know are from SC.
Anyway, had some Sogurt with WanRu yst! After idk how long :D
Green Apple flavour's back! And Lychee's niceeeeee. *hints at Charmaine*
Visited the Serangoon NLB for the first time too!
I really love impromptu dinner trips with people who live near me.
And, I hate transportation costs. They’re the ones depleting
the money in my bank account. Kinda feel like asking for more money to cover
transportation. Although I really feel bad about it.
Right now, time for Math before meeting the MediaCorp
colleagues for window-shopping and dinner! Missed them sooooooooooo much!
Looking forward to Saturday! <3
It’s my motivation to do my Math in preparation for tmr’s
quiz and my motivation to finish my ESL essay tmr.
Labels: ODAC is love (:, UB.
Blessings From Above.
Everything in UB has seriously been a blessing.
A buddy I see every single day for lessons, a buddy to
accompany me on the long journey home, a buddy to entertain all my rubbish, and
a buddy who lives near me.
An OG that I have lunch with almost everyday, OG mates who
entertain me via Whatsapp, OG mates who really liven up my day with all their
Buddies for lessons, who coincidentally happened to be the
people who sat next to me for Enrollment, buddies I could actually talk to
about anything under the Sun and not just about work.
An OGL who I would say’s uber motherly, [yeah she’s our OG
mummy but that doesn’t mean that her care and concern extends all the way] an
OGL who helped me to get ALL my textbooks for the semester, an OGL I know I can
turn to if I need advice, an OGL I know I can turn to if I need someone to talk
Nice seniors who smile and say hi when they see you around
school, nice seniors who are ever ready to offer advice, nice seniors who make
you feel welcomed in school. Oh and an eye-candy I see around school
occasionally! [HAHAHA sorry I couldn’t resist adding that in.]
Honestly, I never expected a single of the above mentioned things when I
started school.
Really, I look at this list and I’m filled with immense
And I know, it's all His work. Thank you daddy God :)
Labels: thank you Lord (:, UB.
Too much.
Looking through Twitter, chanced upon your profile.
I still rmb our nightly MSN conversations and how you’d
always spam me with all the nudges and slaps until my comp would hang, and how you’d
always send me songs.
Nothing has changed since then, I’m still too lazy to
download my songs. But now there’s no longer someone who’d automatically send
me new songs.
Sigh, I miss you boy.
Sucks that we still haven’t found time to meet.
Hope you’re doing fine :’)
And if you’re still reading this space, I WANT TO BOOK AN
APPOINTMENT. Cause I really really miss you a lot.
xoxo, Jessica.
Labels: i love my friends :)
Song of praise.
Music presentation on Wednesday, after which I think I’ll be
more relaxed for this module. Although I’m scheduled to present in the second
week, which means lesser time to prepare, I can’t help but be thankful because
he said he’d be more lenient towards those who present in the first 2 weeks. Furthermore,
the chances of someone else presenting what you want to present's a lot lower
too! Plus all the stress of having to match up to those who presented before
you… Nah-uh week 2’s good :’)
Life has really changed ever since Uni started. Meeting new
people, more commitments, endless assignments (from my stupid ESL teacher). We
all need change in our lives. And I’m thankful for a break on Thursdays, rather
than on Monday/Friday. What’s not to like about a longer weekend, right? But
honestly, a break after 3 days of school preserves my sanity. And they make
Friday lessons more bearable.
All of a sudden, I miss everyone. I miss hanging out with
the guys, I miss 不可思议, I miss hanging out with the girlfriends,
even if its just sitting there and laughing at some rubbish shit. I miss all
those bimbotic moments. It feels as though I haven’t seen anyone for a long
time. But really, this weekend felt so long. Esp with the all-nighter on
Friday. Not complaining though, I’m really glad I allowed JunYing to psycho me
into staying over.
Sucks to be so sentimental at such ungodly hours.
And I just wrote an essay about leading a healthy lifestyle
and I included a regular&healthy sleeping pattern as an essential element
required, and here I am at half-past 3, not practicing what I preach.
Shall leave all the sentimental stuff for another day, cause
I need to start repaying my sleep debt.
3 hours on Thursday night, 5 hours on Saturday morning, 6
hours last night and 2 hours in the evening. So not enough, esp cause the
chalet really drained all my energy. Plus the K session yst, sigh.
Felt kinda sick yst, guess its just the after effects of drinking too much and pulling an all-nighter at the chalet. Hope its only temporial, cause I FINALLY recovered from my stupid flu. Sucks to be sick again ):
Let’s hope the week will be nice to me. *crosses fingers*
Labels: with a grateful heart.
Eventful weekend! :D
Was kinda late for class on Friday though, haha I overslept. But I realized that I only need 45 mins to reach school. 45 minutes including a slow stroll to the train station from my house, slow stroll to the bus stop after alighting from the train, and a 8 minute wait for the bus.
Umoja House Chalet at night! Last minute consent to stay over, and I was literally unprepared cause daddy only replied me when I was alrdy otw.
Glad I did though. Drank quite a fair bit, esp when my OG was trying out the different combinations. Epic expressions.
Its nice to sit by the beach and enjoy the sea breeze, esp after minight. There's just this cooling and serene effect. Walked out with my OGL for HTHT and the breeze kinda cleared our light-headedness.
Learnt some shocking things, and all I can say is that looks can be truly deceiving. Would still say it's kinda wasted though. But at least they're open about it.
"I Never" is really a game that we can never grow tired of. Things can get damn hilarious I tell you. Esp when its 2-ish 3-ish.
Jeremy: I never watched porn before. *drinks*
Some people: tsk.
Jeremy: What! Shakespeare In Love!
Me: eh then like that isn't M18 considered porn also?
Jeremy: Yar. Just drink lah.
Wts like retarded only, afterwards he claimed he's damn clean. I believe luh.
Walked to Macs for breakfast around 4-ish, and I was kinda too tired to eat much. Breakfast Supreme Deluxe is nice when its shared btw 2 people. And WanRu happened to be at Macs too! She reached after I left though. Saw my tweet about breakfast and she asked if I was at Macs. Twitter, Whatsapp, text. All within 2 mins. Like kiasu only haha.
Got a ride back home from YaoXian! I kinda felt bad cause I was the only one in that part of Singapore. The rest were near ECP and the Woodlands/CCK part of Singapore. Thanks alot Grouchy! And he's a scary driver ahahaha.
[think nothing sums up my night better than this screenshot :)]
And it was really record time. I reached home around 6:30am and before 7am, I was already in bed after showering. Whatsapp the ODACians to pre-empt them that I'll be late for K session ahaha. I knew there was no way I could sleep for only 3-4 hours and reach TeoHeng at 12nn. WanRu wanted to be on time, said she'd call me when she wakes up.
11:30am- Call received. "just woke up uh?" 'yeah.' "you wanna sleep somemore? Wake up alrdy call me. MUST wake up uh!"
12:10pm- Calls her twice. "I went back to sleep hahaha"
Yay for people like NianDeng who drives. He overslept, and said he could give the both of us a lift. He woke up after us somemore. Pfft. Texted to say we'll meet him at the bus stop near WanRu's house, he ended up across the road where my house was haha. Pretty much uneventful K session, or was it cause I was feeling tired. Saw the snail though! :D
Initially I saw JunGuang and after 2 seconds Nelson appeared. :)
Tze Char-ed before driving to PP for ice cream! We were wondering what to do afterwards since there was no seats for us to finish our ice cream.
Nadia: Wanna walk to ECP and back?
Me: Don't mind!
We totally cracked up at that hahahaha.
Drove to ECP after finishing our ice-cream, partly cause there wasn't much to do and it was kinda too early to return home. Glad I was in my lazy mood when I woke up in the afternoon, cause I was in slippers; the best footwear for the beach. Unlike people like NianDeng who wore covered shoes plus socks haha. Had some sand fight before (finally) sitting down on the sand. Slight drizzle but we didn't care, its really nice to sit by the beach and enjoy the sea breeze. Something one can never get tired of. It's just so relaxing. HTHT-ed, and I guess its really true that no matter how tight a group appears, there'll always be mini cliques within the clique. And yes, we might appear happy on the outside but we might have inner conflicts here and there.
I don't know how many times I've said this but I'm really glad I have these group of friends whom I can relate to, even though I'm the youngest amongst them. Oh and haha while singing, ChunWei started talking about how old he's gonna be and he started scolding me cause I was still so young. But really, time flies; some of them're celebrating their 21st at the end of the year. Next year, I'll be hitting the 20s. Urgh. Came to a stark realization that I'll be turning 20 a month after YuanLin/ChunWei turn 21. Partly cause I'm a Jan baby while they're December kids, but that'll mean I'm old. (okay I didn't wanna admit it but yeah.) Sad truth huh? Sigh.
[random Whatsapp conversation during dinner!]
Otw back, NianDeng was being super annoying and he started shaking the car like mad; us 3 VPs in the backseat were laughing like maaaaad. Know what's the best part? He can't feel anything at all. So he didn't even know the magnitude of the shaking hahaha. It was like K round 2 in the car too; we were all uber hyper and nonsensical.
Ona and WanRu were talking about how nice it is when dreams are fulfilled, esp when you ain't sure if your eyes are playing tricks on you when you awake each morning. Told them about Nelson's text the other day.
While snoozing the alarm on my phone one morning, I saw that I had a text from 'NELSON THE SNAIL (='. Tbh, I was wondering if my eyes were playing tricks on me. After I was positive I was awake, I opened the text. Rough gist:
Nelson: haven't seen you for a while, hope you're doing fine!
Me: yupp! What's with the random-ness though?
Nelson: well, i had a disturbing dream and you were in it.
Me: what happened?
Nelson: I dreamt you died in a car accident and Miss Liu was weeping.
There was a stunned silence after I mentioned this. After a while,
WaiKit: Eh NianDeng, drive safely uhh. Car accident leh.
Really hope that never happens :/
And. If there's another thing to be thankful for within this group, its definitely the VP alliance. 3 generation of Vice-Presidents, and I'm glad we can get along so well tgt. Only the 2 of them know what happened and while we were HTHT-ing on the beach, I was really tempted to tell everyone what happened. Glad I didn't though. Told WanRu about it after alighting from NianDeng's car and she agreed that these kinda things shouldn't be broadcasted. Oh well.
Sunday morning was spent in church as usual, kinda like how my mood for Sundays are always good ever since Service was in the morning. Really, nothing goes wrong when you spend the first few hours of your day with God :)
Labels: ODAC is love (:, UB.
Salvageable. But how do I go about doing it?
Just realized that in situations like these you won't do anything if you don't think you're in the wrong. So if I don't do anything, things'll prolly remain status quo.
And all those around me know how impt you are to me. Or at least were.
Hair's dry, I need my bed.
Goodnight everyone.
Labels: hot and cold.
Fun & Joy.
Visited the Charles and Keith warehouse sale today, but sad much, they had a lot of what we didn't want but few of what we wanted. And all I wanted, no size. Sucks or what?
Idk why, I only crave for KOI when I'm with Charmaine. Other times, I only want my beloved Gong Cha. Stopped over at Bishan, got our KOI and we headed to H&M! Love their refund policy! And the place is MAD CROWDED, even on a weekday afternoon. Where do all the people come from, seriously.
Walked around a little before meeting DianXiang for dinner!
OH AND I SAW EUNICE AT H&M. Bet she's gonna say something about it on Sunday HAHAHAHAHA.
Back at home, my OG's Whatsapp conversation was seriously freaking epic. Thank goodness I was at home. Else I'd look like a complete retard trying to contain my laughter. It totally distracted me from my notes though. Good thing I was done with my readings before the epic-ness started.
Looking forward to chalet tmr! Although I have no idea if I'm staying over. Suckszx.
Before that, 8:30am class, SIGH. At least its Sociology :)
Shall attempt revising my notes before bed. Cause truth be told, I'm buzzing with energy now.
Felt guilty for using the computer after coming home from school, so I decided to revise my lecture notes. Midway, my dad came home, and so did my MacBook Pro.
You know what happened to my revision huh.
[random picture from some time back!]
Updating cause Zhixin complained that there're no updates. Be honoured that I actually do this specially for you kae! ^^
Anyway, my Mac's arriving tmr! Heh I complained about having to carry the box all the way back from Clementi to Lorong Chuan, plus the hassle of transferring money into my account. And daddy said he'd get it for me from NTU. Think he also tak boleh tahan me uhhhh. :D
Week 2 of school and I'm alrdy tired. Sucks that my English teacher gives us hmk every single lesson. Even on the first day. Someone should prolly inform her that she doesn't get a pay increment if she gives more hmk that the other teachers y'know.
Nonetheless, I'm actually thankful that I have a familiar face to go for every class with, that I have a group of people I can hang around with during breaks, and someone to accompany me on the long ride home everyday except Friday.
And I think I should stop saying hi to all the people I know. Cause my friends keep saying I know almost everyone. Which is so not true hahaha. The only friends I made in UB apart from my OG mates are some of the OGLs, some of those in my classes and maybe one or two others in Umoja. The rest are primary school/secondary school/JC/church/work mates.
Just as I thought that I should prolly mix around more and get to know more people haha. I get this warm fuzzy feeling whenever you see an acquaintance around school and they acknowledge your presence by giving you a warm, genuine and sweet smile. :) Labels: UB.
All along, I thought that it was pretty insane to visit H&M on its first day of operations. But as I made my way through 313 to reach OG's Starbucks, the sightings of MANY people carrying huge H&M paper bags were too much to bear.
Once I sat down at Starbuscks, I immediately told YuanLin, "I want to go to H&M later."
And so we did. After studying though. The queue moved surprisingly fast, we queue-ed for what, less than 30 mins? Sucked that most of the stuff that caught our eyes were too pricey. UNTIL WE REACHED THE KIDS SECTION. Most of them were like, below $20? And they were nice too! Yes, they fit us. Hahahaha.
We ended up getting the same top! :)
Witness-ed the last few seconds of a fight scene at Cine afterwards. Terrified, we stepped onto the escalator. Imagine our horror when one of the still-heated person mounted the escalator too; we ran up the escalator hurriedly with our hearts pounding. Scary shit omg.
Artease-ed for bbt and a HTHT, then it was home sweet home. :)
Gave Youth Fellowship a miss today cause I still had to do my assignment, and Eunice kept saying I was naughty cause I went to H&M instead of doing my homework. Hmph, clarification okay hahhahaha I did my readings prior to H&M!
Bible Study today was funny, we were reminiscing the old memories of our Youth Group and we started laughing. Seriously, time passes damn quickly.
Oh yeah I saw Shawn in school on Friday! He didn't see me though.
Actually I've been seeing many people around school ever since day 1; Jonathan (the Council guy/fellow Socio major who talked to me otw to the camp site), Yan Chng, HuiLing, Valerie, Sandra (I see her everyday), Fang Jun, Steph and some other people! Oh plus the other SR people in UB too! Haha Mavis was saying that I know a lot of people.
Havent seen Nina in school yet though >:(
It's only been the first week of school but I'm actually enjoying myself.
The UBSC President was right when he said one of the things to look forward to in school is seeing your OG mates around school and spending breaks tgt. :')
*jumps and starts dancing around the room*
Labels: UB.
Movie Marathon.
Love this picture! :)
I think my Whatsapp's retarded. Either that or it ain't compatible with SIM's wifi. Opened Whatsapp after lecture this morning with the intention of asking if any of my OG mates were free, only to find it spammed. From the ODAC conversation, obviously. And I only received parts of the msg so it kinda didn't even make sense.
Randomly made plans to watch Crazy, Stupid Love at night. Agreed despite me knowing I'd be catching Final Destination at 6:15pm.
Insane? Yes.
Sociology lecture this morning was interesting. And I'm pretty much convinced that it's what I wanna study :)
Although the video was freaking gory, with blood flowing from the skin of ppl etc.
Math was a total insult of my intelligence cause it was lower secondary Math. Like seriously -.-"
Bus-ed to town to meet YuanLin who was studying! Now I'm almost done with my homework. With the exception of some readings.
And the girl's freaking saddistic. She laughs during Final Destination. DURING THE GORY SCENES. I covered my face during one of the scenes cause it was seriously too disgusting. The rest.. Manageable I guess.
Midway through my eyes were super dry and they started hurting. Requested for SOS and thank goodness ChunWei brought me a contact lenses case with solution inside. Yes I watched the second movie without contacts. My degree's low anw. As in 50degrees low. The main thing's my astigmatism.
Met some of the rest for Thai Express before the second movie and everyone commented about my voice. Sexy okay hahaha. Stupid idiot ChunWei kept saying it's no longer voice. It's noise coming out from me. Hmph!
Hahaha YuanLin was saying that everytime I cough, she feels the urge to cough too. WanRu joined us later and she was also coughing. The 3 VPs can form the coughing club alrdy. And I'm the President hahaha.
In the theatre, ass ChunWei changed swooped places with me so he wouldn't be in btw 2 coughing ppl. And he was damn noisy please. All the nonsense and rubbish came out. Like, "go ask them fast forward I wanna watch the movie" and "can ask them increase volume not uh?" Even WanRu who was sitting one seat away got fed-up haha. And we wondered why he was so quiet the previous time we watched a movie tgt.
Oh and and and! JunQiang's gonna organize a K session! Idk when but I'm crossing my fingers and toes that I'd have recovered by then. Pfft when they were talking about it, WaiKit went, "haha Jessica cannot go." Pfft. Insp Chiang had a prelude to my singing otw to Cathay and he made me stop. ):
I wanna recover soon. I'm annoyed with my dietary options now.
OH anw, please catch Smurfs, it's superduperultramega cute! Caught it with Reg on Thursday :))
And I felt as though i was bringing a Smurf out cause she just so fascinated by what she saw in town hahaha.
I like it that I always bump into Vanessa at Kovan everytime I'm omw to meet Regina ❤Labels: ODAC is love (: