magical stardust ☺
"an attempt to make sense of and articulate the thoughts running through my head."
♥ bold italic strikeout underline♡
??ShawnyLai says: dont tell her ah JESSICA ♥ says: tell her for what JESSICA ♥ says: lol ??ShawnyLai says: how i know whether you want to get me scolded JESSICA ♥ says: what the JESSICA ♥ says: you mean you thought i was a mean person all along? JESSICA ♥ says: i'm hurt ??ShawnyLai says: u fell down? JESSICA ♥ says: (broken heart) ??ShawnyLai says: wow, on your heart somemore.. ??ShawnyLai says: poor kid JESSICA ♥ says: ass. JESSICA ♥ says: lol ??ShawnyLai says: see who's mean.. JESSICA ♥ says: you broke my heart into a million pieces :'( ??ShawnyLai says: i didnt ??ShawnyLai says: dont malign me! ??ShawnyLai says: i never cheated on you ??ShawnyLai says: so how to break ur heart.. JESSICA ♥ says: there're many ways to break my heart. JESSICA ♥ says: and i ain't maligning you.Labels: msn conversations.
hillarious, my mother bought some yoghurt drink and its in a bottle. my brother took it out of the fridge. he thought it was yoghurt and he poured it into a bowl. dumb eh -.-"
anw today in church, the adults had some general members conference after the service so the youths etc went downstairs first. ended up entertaining ourselves with the kids. haha caleb and jabez had a sudden fascination for guys stomach muscles. so they ran about, touching them and saying, 'bouncy bouncy' at the same time. uber hillarious when you watch it, cause 2 small kids were running between jeremy and daniel, saying bouncy bouncy. at one point in time, daniel - woah. i feel like these are my children jessica - haha then who's the mother? daniel - eh. i dont know, haha jessica - ah i know. jeremy! jeremy - eh! me? mother?!?!? jabez, that jie jie's one also bouncy bouncy (pointing to me) caprina - eh. teach him the right thing luh, cannot anyhow touch girls. ethan - no, can touch girls! LOL.
HAHA later, i somehow told jabez that jeremy was his mum. jessica - jabez, who's this? (points to jeremy) jabez - MUMMY! jeremy - (looks horrified) eh! what did you teach them?!? jessica - what's right :D
wahahaha. bouncy bouncy. -.-"Labels: bouncy bouncy..
keziah msged me this morning and asked if i wanted to go for the NDP show. of cause i wanted. heh.
i must say i was pretty impressed with this year's show. it was well done, it was interesting, the videos were just awesome, there were huge and creative floats, there was a nice story line, the list goes on and on. oh there was this chapter whereby there were huge floats, 2 from each race. they were propelled by people, and at one point in time, the samsui woman float broke or smth. uber hillarious, cause the samsui woman float was next to this guy float, and she was bent forward, and lol. it just looked uber wrong. photos will be up. when i feel like it. the same goes for those we took at the ISTANA on thursday. i'm a lazy person, in case you havent already realised.
anw. thanks to those who asked me how i am. yup, i'm feeling better already. less worried, etc. thanks for the concern, people (: lets just hope things go well on monday yeah. i dont wanna spend $30 to get the itemized bill from singtel; i dont have the financial capacity to throw $30 into the drain.
i seriously need to stop, pause, and take a breather.too many things are happening. 1. i need to start studying. but with the heavy workload, i cant. gah. this isn't secondary school where you can neglect your homework and focus on your revision.
2. phone bill. thanks sandra for letting mr tsui know about it. i was worried we'd be fighting a losing battle. i thought of asking my parents to help solve it, but after they scolded me for being too naive, i guess not. when i first opened it, i told my mum that i needed to call singtel and ask them smth, cause they overcharged me. then just now, as we were eating dinner, mummy - hey so what's wrong with your bill? me - nothing luh, the extras not used by me. my friend used my phone to divert the calls. mummy - huh?
so i explained how the call divert thingy works, and what happens.
daddy - you mean you didnt know you had to pay for diverts? me - (shakes head) she told me she was the only one paying daddy - and you believed her?!? mummy - how much is the excess? me - $70 plus mummy - woah. daddy - you have to pay me the money. me - i dont even have the money. daddy - i dont care, you have to pay me $70. me- i dont have money how you want me to pay you?! daddy - then deduct $20 from your pocket money every week luh. me - siao. $40 for 7 days sometimes not enough. how do you expect me to survive on $20?!?!?
told them that the four affected ones are going to ask her to pay.
daddy - if she doesnt pay you have to pay me. me - my civics tutor's gonna help us.
phew. thank goodness mr tsui's aware of it all. otherwise. idk how alr. at present when i told her i called singtel and confirmed that the diverter had to pay too, she indirectly denied it. jackson, your mum wont cancel your phone line already. so cheer up yeah.
time and time again, i ask myself : WHY AM I SO NAIVE?
3. J. i'm trying not to let that bother me. who knows? we might have misread it all along.
will run trail session this afternoon. and. odac-ians are officials on that day, so we had to run today.
well. initially i wanted to run 15km, then as the day drew closer, i realised that it was kinda hard to achieve, brought it down to 12km.
you know what? i ended up running 14km. i totally never expected myself to run that distance. but yeah, when there's a will, there's a way. :) ended up running alone most of the time. started off with some of the odac girls, but we split up eventually, i ran with vanessa. but she was still sick, then she walked halfway through.
i ended up meeting sandra. even though we walked and ran at different speeds and timings, we'd meet somehow or other. lol.
totally shagged by the 11th/12th km, and i started walking most of the time. met nian deng and he made me run with him, from the rock wall to the track, then he sprinted the last 200(?)m. omg, i was super tired after that but i guess it was good that i ran with him, otherwise i doubt i'd have made it in time to pass the gantry before the horn sounded.
i tried to run to complete my 14th km asap, but i was running out of energy. when i reached the concourse there were only 3 mins left. choing-ed to the gantry, past it, and i started walking :D
cause if you passed the gantry before the horn sounded, you can continue finishing that round.
dumb luh, while running i met daryl. daryl - (looks at me) tsk. is this odac?!?!
haha when we all finished we were resting at the basketball court, idk why, but we ended up forming an odac circle. talked, and after the court was kinda cleared, nian deng - eh i think we better go. later they ask us to clear up.
true enough, yunjia came up to me. yunjia - hey are they your friends? me - yeah. odac people yunjia - good can ask them help us bring the stuff back?
-.-" oh haha in the end yunjia and me pushed one table back to the hall. fun luh. there were wheels at the bottom then we couldnt push across the field, and we were lazy to carry it across too. so. we pushed it along the track. stupid luh. took a uber long time, then constance, yunjia and me started running and pushing it. heh :D
showered, tau huay-ed and 136-ed home (:
a level chinese listening comprehension tmr. ><
you know what?
i miss camp aspire. i miss group A4. i miss laughing at jeremy's dumbness. i miss laughing at mei ee sleep throughout the entire camp. i miss hearing michelle say hillarious. i miss all the brain teasers by mingxuan and e-jon. i miss all looking for the nice smelling hand sanitizers before each meal. i miss all the stupid retarded jokes. i miss all our nonsense.Labels: MISSING-people syndrome
i just realised i forgot to submit my EOM last night. deadline : 12mn on friday. i went to sleep at 10pm. overly shagged.
and btw. ubin cycling's no joke. my group went on the easier trail. note the word easier. not easy. but i had fun. i survived. barely? idk. reached just in time. mingxuan called me at 12.43pm. mingxuan - where are you jessica - on the bus. reaching already mingxuan - late already. jessica - havent yet! mingxuan - 12.43pm alr. i dont care, you're late. why late. jessica - the journey very long mingxuan - dont care, late! bye bye.
sucker. lols. in the end i reached in time. lalalala. the bus jouney took about one hour. gah. one terminal to the other. alot of people were late. including the 3 teachers. anw, smth retarded.
taihong - eh chicken little! you got extra socks not? me- huh no. why will i bring extra socks? o.o taihong - i wore slippers here. and i forgot to pack socks.
do i have the face that reads : need anything? ask me. LOL. poor constance fell down! and had a big cut on her palm. but the brave girl didnt cry or make noise when they cleaned her wound. unlike taihong. lol. heard that he fell into a 'bowl'. FLAT. when he stood up, he started laughing. as usual. but when they cleaned his wounds, apparently he started screaming, etc etc. haha. we all had a good laugh when miss liu told us during the debrief.
speaking of miss liu, SHE GOT LOST! -.-" and her phone happened to have no reception at that point in time. but she somehow found the other group. during the debrief, this was the focus : how miss liu got lost. haha.
AND. SKY LEK ZHENG HAO IS AN ASSHOLE! lol. we were reaching the bike shop already. and yeah, i was damn shagged. decided to cycle faster, get it over and done with. then he suddenly came in front of me. i screamed. and one of the instructors was shocked. 'eh dont scream like that!' tsk. 10 secs later, he struck again. SUCKER~ this time, i didnt scream. i shouted. sky, you better watch out. plus, when we were waiting for the bus, i decided to spray some deodorant. sky - aiya, come, i help you.
and he sprayed continuously for what, 8 secs? asshole. LOL. the smell was damn overpowering. and some went into my mouth. sky, if i were you, i'd fear for my life. muahahahaha~
talked to miss liu just now, and. she rmbs my MYE rank points. gah. i think i'm the first odac vp to do that badly. but at least she understands. she was telling me how to plan our revision schedule properly, and be realistic. true luh, we cant accomplish much daily. after reaching home, we'll be worn out. how much can we accomplish? and on the whole, odac did pretty badly for MYEs. its nice to have nice teacher I/Cs (: (: (:
sms ming xuan sent out just now : Hello, pls remember to bring 2 x $2.50. if you forget to bring you will swim to ubin. see you tmr.
i practically laughed out loud. haha. anw jessica's suffering from severe lack of sleep. slept at 3.15am on wednesday, 1.30am last night. gosh. and i keep falling asleep during chinese. shawn woke me up once or twice but after a while he decided to let me sleep. anw i'll wake up once in a while, look up to act as though i'm totally awake, then go back to sleep again :D the art of sleeping in class. heh.
yong siong's traumatized by vanessa and me :) three of us studied together after cca on wednesday, and we were about to leave at 8.15pm. we agreed to leave after vanessa nicely explained math to me. walked down to the concourse, met nian deng. talked to him, then yong siong said he wanted to go change etc first. vanessa and me continued on our way to the toilet after that, and we met ona! talked to her, and when we made our way to the canteen toilet, yong siong totally got a shock cause he thought we had already changed. haha. he bought food from the vending machines and ate. and stoned. and we didnt come out. heh. by the time we walked out of school, it was about 8.55pm. :D :D
today, he was complaining to jun zhe and ming xuan before vanessa and me went in to change. hahahaha. oh and when we finally came out, ona walked towards the toilet. LOL. yong siong - oh my gosh ona. you're at the wrong place at the wrong time. ona - huh why? yong siong, ming xuan, vanessa, junzhe, me - just go in.
ona was bewildered. haha. and when the door closed, the guys hurried vanessa and me out of school. once bitten, twice shy. heh.
i'm supposed to be doing GP now. but i feel like blogging. alot of things are happening now, and i dont know what to do. i need more time to catch up on my work. i dont understand alot of things. but i'm limited by time. plus there're more content to be covered this term. and yeah, there're cca commitments too. gah.
it rained like crap this morning. and the rain only started when i was one stop away from school. the bus stop was filled with SR people even before my bus reached the stop. imagine the subsequent buses. there were more people arriving than leaving. councillors brought out some umbrellas for us, but the demand was more than the supply. Shawn and me were rather near to the road and each time a bus stopped, water from the buses would be splashed onto us. no councillor came out for quite long, and the rain became lighter. walked in to school, only to meet councillors coming out. -.-" but i was relatively dry anw. don't ask me why. heh wan ru's shoes were wet. hmmm so i guessed we waited for about 20 plus minutes. but we weren't marked as late anw. so yup :D
ran/walked 10km during ODAC today. bloody shit, ODAC's running our 10km next wed during the trial. cause we're officials -.-" 10km +, no supporters, what's this?!? gah. and. I'm afraid that my injury's permanent. every time i run, my joint between my hip and right leg'll hurt. its been like that since camp aspire. it aint that bad anymore, but still. the pain and discomfort is there. ><
on another note, i'm happy with the way things are right now (:Labels: stuff.
HAHAHAHAHA. my brother borrowed my dad's car cause he wanted to go out for supper with his friends. he called me about half an hour ago, asking if my dad was still awake. why? the car tyre got punctured. HAHAHA.
jonathan - how?!? i'm think i'm screwed. me - you already are.
ended up waking my dad and passing him the phone. final verdict: drive home slowly. good thing he was already at upper serangoon road. and now my brother's paranoid. cause he'll get scolded. and he thinks my parents wont let him drive again. you know what? i kinda agree too. heh.
Labels: late night supper that ended with a punctured tyre.
- 16 points for mid years ain't a good sign.
- in fact, it totally sucks.
- i wonder why i find it funny.
- rawr.
- i'm gonna mug like no one's business for the promos.
on a different note, i love camp aspire group A4 ! :D

- mei ee - runner's club vice captain
- e-jon - volleyball (guys) captain
- jackson - volleyball (guys) vice captain
- michelle - volleyball (girls) captain
- huiting - volleyball (girls) vice captain
- jeremy - Pegasus house leader
- eterna - Pegasus assistant house leader
- ming xuan - ODAC president
- jessica - ODAC vice-president
we had dinner together at hougang plaza's suki sushi on wednesday. i missed the 3D2N spent together. all the laughter and nonsense, etc. next gathering : after promos?
i've been sleeping the entire day. fell asleep at 7pm last night, woke up fully only arond 1pm. showered and ate my lunch, only to fall asleep again from 3pm to 5pm. heh. it was good anw, i really needed the rest. havent been resting much since school reopened, even though i wasnt feeling well since monday. at least i felt better after all the time spent in lala land today :) good thing today was a school holiday for me.
random stuff i feel like talking about
- i keep seeing somebody everyday. 4 days, 4 different people.
- i love water parades~ haha regina and me were bored during the double GP period on wednesday so we ended up having a water parade! ;)
- pulau ubin cycling cum night hike CANCELLED. due to H1N1 i suppose ;)
- phua tai hong sucks at lying.
- i saw desmond and him in the canteen on wed
- reminded tai hong of the ODAC meeting in 2 mins.
- they said they had lessons.
- found it weird, but okay, i believed them
- 15 mins later, i saw both of them at the track
- called tai hong and when he saw me, "i having lessons! ending already"
- yeah right.
- phua, please work on your lying skills. lol
Labels: random thoughts